Happy Dog Days!


“The dog days are over
The dog days are done
The horses are coming so you better run…”

Actually, the dog days aren’t over, they’re just beginning.

If you’ve been around a radio in the last couple years or so, you’ve probably heard good ol’ Florence busting out these lyrics about the Dog Days of Summer.

July 3rd, marks the beginning of these “dog days”.

The term “Dog Days of Summer” comes from way back in the day when the Romans associated hot weather with a star called Sirius, or “little dog”. Sirius was known as the brightest star in the sky and believed to be the cause of much hot weather. Apparently the dogs went mad and a lot of people got sick and thus Sirius was to blame.

If the Romans would have made it to British Columbia, they might not have been so against the dog days… I know we, as contemporary west-coast Canadians, would welcome the dog days with a milkbone and a pat on the head.

Romans can hate on them if they want…  As for me, I believe the Dog Days of Summer are A Cause to Celebrate.

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